Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 1: Two Cultures

The materials of week 1 mostly centre how the “Two Cultures” divide and influence to each other. Although science and art are usually considered as two polar opposites, I still deem that they are somehow linked in various fields and forms.

As a UCLA student who majored in electrical engineering, I am deeply aware of the division between the cultures of south campus and north campus. Students in the south campus are passionate about technology. Science makes their sense and life. However, north campus students have the stereotype of being active and extroverted. It is like the left right brain theory, seems to be plausible, but does not work out in all the cases. All the students majored in engineering are required to take several courses besides their majors. Taking DESMA9 is for fulfilling my GE requirement, and this is my precious opportunity to learn more about arts.
That the disparity between rich and poor is the main cause of the wide gap between art and technology, which is mentioned in C.P. Snow’s famous lecture, impressed me a lot. The entire western society is supposed to fix the education to narrow the gap and draw connection. Over the past 50 years after Mr. Snow’s lecture, there was some chemistry reaction occurred. John Brockman spent most of his life on integrating arts and science, and created Edge Foundation. People have put a lot of effort into integration. As 3D, even 4D movies, HD cameras and any advanced forms of music players, they are all potent evidence of integration of the two cultures.

Things have been changed from 50 years ago. Our world has seen more overlap of the two cultures. Meanwhile, we begin to talk about the lately recognized third culture, which implies two cultures are now closely connected.

Graham-Rowe, Duncan. “Magazine.” N.p., 03 February 2011. Web. 5 Oct 2013. <>.
Collins, Matt. An Update on C. P. Snow’s “Two Cultures”. 2009. Graphic.
5 Oct 2013.

Creative ads Awards Winner — Underwater Camera: BEACH. 2010. Graphic. 5 Oct 2013.
Fly Tulcan. 2009. Photograph. Web. 5 Oct 2013.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree with your remark about education; while it is education that is supposed to inform the society about the two cultures and the gap between the two culture, our educational system and structure have long been preaching the two culture. Such phenomenon is perhaps due to early subject specialization in our educational system modeled after intellectual culture of the enlightenment and economic circumstance of industrial revolution. And yet I still think education is the key to close the gap between the two cultures and nurture the third culture.
